The brand new stage musical The Prince of Egypt based on the iconic Dreamworks Animated film released its official first look video trailer from a recent press event. The video features Alexia Khadime, Christine Allado and Luke Brady, together with other members of the original London cast, to give us a look at "When You Believe", Stephen Schwartz classic song.
An Academy Award®-winner for ‘Best Original Song’, "When You Believe" was a global hit for Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey as well as a UK and Ireland chart-topping winner’s single for The X-Factor. Below is the exclusive first look from the event.
The Prince of Egypt has music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Godspell), a book by Philip LaZebnik (Mulan, Pocahontas).
Performances for The Prince of Egypt begin at London's Dominion Theatre on Wednesday February 5th, 2020 with an official West End opening set for Tuesday February 25th, 2020 for a limited 32-week run. Tickets are available now via
The cast, which comprises of 38 members includes: Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Alexia Khadime(Miriam), Joe Dixon (Seti), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya), Gary Wilmot (Jethro), Mercedesz Csampai (Yocheved), Adam Pearce (Hotep), Tanisha Spring (Nefertari), Silas Wyatt-Barke (Aaron),
Simbi Akande, Casey Al-Shaqsy, Joe Atkinson, Danny Becker, Felipe Bejarano, Pàje Campbell, Adam Filipe, Soophia Foroughi, Natalie Green, Jack Harrison-Cooper, Rachael Ireson, Kalene Jeans, Christian Knight, Jessica Lee, Oliver Lidert, Jay Marsh, Scott Maurice, Carly Miles, Sam Oladeinde, Alice Readie, Christopher Short, Ricardo Walker, Danny Williams, Niko Wirachman and Sasha Woodward.